Image result for bbb logoFor over 100 years the Better Business Bureau (BBB) has helped people find  businesses, brands, and charities they can trust.  eComMerchantSolutions, Inc. (eCMS) has been a member of the BBB since April 2006 and we’re proud of our A+ rating, which includes “zero complaints”!

special-olympicseComMerchantSolutions, Inc. (eCMS) is a longtime supporter of athletes that participate in the Special Olympics.  eCMS President/CEO, Kristie Kliese has not only helped support the Special Olympics with financial gifts but also as a volunteer, helping to successfully organize the first silent auction at the Rose Garden (now Moda Center) in Portland, Oregon — raising over $108,000 in one night!

Spec op


eComMerchantSolutions, Inc. (eCMS) President, Kristie Kliese, loves children and with 4 children and 2 grandchildren of her own, she’s naturally drawn to them, especially those in need.  In 2009, Kristie came across the Children’s Relief Nursery just in time to participate in the 2009 Iron Chef signature benefit, donating $5,000.00 to the nursery for the privilege of being one of three judges at the event.

Iron Chef